




John Paul II believed that the most important revelation since the times of the Apostles had taken place in Fatima. The greatest authorities of the Church repeat that it is also the only revelation in history which message goes with us. With each generation it is surprisingly more and more relevant and more important for us today than for the generation from the annals of the First World War.

Sister Lucy asks herself 80 years after the apparitions why the children of Fatima were chosen by God. And she replies that the intelligence, eloquence and the peculiarity of visionaries should not obscure the actions of God. The world must see that it is actually God at work. God usually chooses what is the last, what is wasted in the eyes of the world as His messengers.

The first secret

Appearing in July 1917, Our Lady commissioned the children to convey to mankind her deep concern for the ungodliness and demoralization of people, adding that if they did not convert, there would be a terrible punishment. The world is lost in departing from God and moral principles. In this way she asked mankind for conversion and penance, wishing to prevent the punishments that God had prepared for a sinful world.

She did not hesitate to show hell to these three children in order to even more forcefully warn people of its real existence.

 "A ray of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw a fire," recalls Lucia, "and in this fire were devils and souls in human form, similar to the transparent, glowing coals that floated in this fire. These figures were thrown with great force high inside the flames and fell on all sides like sparks in a great fire, light as fluff, without weight and balance, amid terrifying screams, howls, and the pain of despair, causing a shudder of horror. The devils distinguished themselves from humans by their horrible and loathsome form, similar to fear-inspiring unknown animals, at the same time transparent as red-hot coals. "

Mary tells the children that she showed them hell, but to save the souls of sinners. She explains that "God wants to spread the devotion to my Immaculate Heart in the world, and if one does it, many will be saved from hell and there will be peace in the world."

Vision of hell in the First Secret of Fatima

Second secret

The second part of the message, delivered during the apparitions in the following months strengthens the existing conditions imposed on humanity by the Mother of God. It confronts humanity with a great alternative: if people "continue to offend God", He will "punish the world for its crimes, through wars, hunger and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father." Then, during the next pontificate (the Pope named Pius XI), the Second World War will begin, even more terrible than the one that is currently being fought.

Our Lady once again told the children that in order to save sinners from hell, devotion to her Immaculate Heart should be introduced and the Church should be devoted to the five consecutive First Saturdays of the month, together with the rewarding Holy Communion.

Mary also announces that she will come to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. He adds that "if these wishes are fulfilled, Russia will convert and there will be peace, if not, godless propaganda will spread its erroneous teachings through the world, causing wars and persecution of the Church, the good will be tormented, and the Holy Father will have to suffer much. Different nations will die. „In the end, however, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, which will convert and for some time there will be peace in the world. " It is worth adding that in July 1917 no one heard of Pius XI or a godless dictatorship in Russia.

The apparitions of Fatima ended on October 13, 1917. They were accompanied by an unexplained "miracle of the sun" watched by a crowd of 70,000 people who gathered to accompany the visionaries. The fact that the miracle was real and not caused by collective psychosis is evidenced by the fact that everyone, whoever was within 40 km of Fatima, saw it, even the unbelievers.

Miracle of the Sun

Third secret

Years later, in January 1944, Sister Lucy wrote down the content of the third secret of Fatima, which was to be hidden at the request of the Mother of God. The envelope with the text has been deposited in the Secret Archives of the Holy Office. The secret was revealed 56 years later during a press conference on June 26, 2000 in the Vatican Sala Stampa by the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Card. Joseph Ratzinger.

Sister Lucy says: “After two parts that I have already presented, on the left side of Our Lady, but a little higher, we saw an Angel holding a fiery sword in his left hand; sparkling, it spewed out tongues of fire that seemed to set the world on fire; but they faded against the radiance that radiated from Our Lady's right hand towards him; The angel, pointing to the ground with his right hand, said with a strong voice: Repentance, Repentance, Repentance!

And we saw, in the immeasurable light that is God: (something similar to how people are seen in a mirror when they pass in front of it) the Bishop clad in white (we had a feeling it was the Holy Father).

Many other bishops, priests, men and women religious ascend a steep mountain at the top of which was a great cross made of rough beams, as if made of cork wood covered with bark; Before he got there, the Holy Father passed through a great city, half ruined and half trembling, unsteadily, tormented by pain and suffering, he went praying for the souls of dead people whose bodies he encountered on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, kneeling at the foot of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who stabbed him several times with firearms and arrows, and in the same way, other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and many lay people were killed in the same way. , men and women of different classes and positions. Under the two arms of the Cross, there were two Angels, each holding a crystal watering can into which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and sprinkled it on souls approaching God ”.

Assassination attempt on St. John Paul II 13th of may 1981

Announcement of the Punishment

About 30,000 apparitions have been recorded in the history of the Church, 20,000 of which are apparitions from the last three decades. This fact proves that God is starting to worry about what is happening in the world and trying to show us the way, because we do not see the signpost anymore. Hence, we have such an avalanche of modern revelations which, despite occurring at different latitudes, practically always have the same common denominator. It is a warning against the apocalypse we prepare for ourselves. Sister Lucy wrote in one of her letters:

"The modern world deserves more of a punishment than Sodom and Gomorrah do"

In the third secret of Fatima, we have the fulfillment of these words of sister Lucia, when fire from heaven falls not on two cities, but on the whole world, having to destroy it for the sins committed as a biblical punishment.

The announcement of victory

All promises and warnings given by Our Lady are conditional. Lucia emphasized it very much, saying: "remember everything is conditional." If so, than ... Except for one announcement, which is unconditional. Our Lady announced that no matter what happens in the world, her Immaculate Heart will triumph at the end. Her victory will surely come, which means that all those remaining faithful to God will be on the victorious side. Meanwhile, the world has really gone astray, and people are heading to hell through their sins. Hence, we have various revelations which I refer to. This is especially visible in the Secrets of Fatima.

Despite this, the moment comes when the Immaculate Heart will triumph and Our Lady give us two very important messages.

In the first, She informs us that the generation of the Immaculate Heart will contribute to her triumph and nourish itself with the juices of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The second thread that appears at the same time is that the generation of the Immaculate Heart will defeat the satanic generation.

This means that it is not only a prophecy that speaks only about the spiritual dimension, but about our inner life, our salvation, that is, just as it was throughout all the years of communism. Fatima was also banned in Poland, because it has a political dimension. The satanic generation called the generation of those who are the servants of satan, who are possessed by evil, who want to destroy the world, who want to throw as many people as possible into hell for eternity and make them unhappy, this generation will lose. This generation will be defeated, not by a bolt from heaven, but by us.

Hence, the message of Fatima should be a leading theme for the Church, as it gives not only hope but also the certainty of victory.
Jacinta Marto, Lúcia Santos & Francisco Marto